Entry #7. Farm to Store
Have you ever wondered where the food you put on your table came from? What and where it has to go through to be able to be sold in the grocery store? A film by the title of Fresh, shows exactly what animals are fed everyday along with the diseases that come along with factory farms.
The film is very informative and told things that I didn't even know. The feed that the animals eat can be other dead animals and the medication given to them daily are antibiotics and hormones to make the the biggest they can get the fastest. Nothing about farms are truly natural. I think the audience that Fresh was designed for were consumers along with farmers. Consumers like me and you need to know where our meats are coming from and what they are living on.
The one thing that really stood out to me was Joel Salatin. He was one of the main characters in the film and he truly cares for the animas as they should be. His farm is fully natural and took after his father on the farm. The operation he has going on in the farm is truly something that should get more recognition. Every farmers goal is to get as much live stock as they can fit in a farm to then make profit. The never care about the animas conditions or how they are living. Joel decided he never wanted to be a farmer like they. He openly moves the animals around so they are never stuck in a confined place, he feeds the cows with grass as they would eat in the wild, and lastly he sees the animals as something more than profit. In the film he explains that the chickens and him work together and because of that he "honors and respects them".
I think this film really matters and should be seen by every persons who consumes meat. The film is based on meats but the same thing is happening to our produce like fruits and vegetables. The chemicals being used on these animals that consumers buy can be very dangerous and nobody really knows.
Hi could you change the color of the words it is very hard to read.
ReplyDeleteHey Madison, I really liked you response! We should know what we as consumers are putting in our body. As a person that doesn't really know how farms work, it can to my surprise how much chemicals and antibiotics others use for their farms. I like how the film showed farmers taking care of their farm and making it a better place for their animals. The only thing I have to say is could you change the color of your words because you can barley see it.
ReplyDeleteI really like the portion that you included about Joel Salatin. It was really nice to see someone who was trying to break the norms in the farming industry. I also really liked what you said about how everyone should watch the documentary. It was really eye opening!
ReplyDeleteHey Maddy, I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think that we should know what we are putting in our bodies and how it is produced. One thing I think you should change is your font color. It is very hard to read, so I recommend changing it to a brighter color or white. Overall, great blog post.
ReplyDeletehello, funny enough I'm actually in your group for our 3rd essay and I'm actually pretty lucky. The reason im saying this us because I actually got the full version of this. I was also lucky enough to give you some advice and evaluate your work closely. Just like the Essay you did a great job with this blog.