Entry #8. Corruption is Alive

 The America we will in today is truly questionable. There is no comparison from how the world was 30 years ago to how it is today. Everyone is divided and it is a clear division. Our current president, Donald Trump is the reason the world is not unified but torn apart. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but you can't hind fact from opinion. Trump is a man for those who are rich and white, specifically rich white men. It states in our Declaration of Independence, "all men are created equal" but when this was written, they were only talking about white men are equal. Women or people of color were never a thought when our founding fathers wrote this. This is how Trump thinks when dealing with much of anything. He has made awful remarks about women such as grabbing them in inappropriate places to saying he would "date" his daughter is she wasn't his daughter. He has multiple rape and sexual assault allegations towards him, one in particular that was magical dropped 16 days before he was elected president in 2016. This is not even the tip of the iceberg to why this man is awful. When George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who was kneeling on his neck for over ten minutes, people got enraged as they should. There is no denying that black men and women are targeted and killed more by the police than white people. In 2020 alone, police killed black people six times more the rate than white people. If you have social media, you can see on the daily by civilians who record the corrupt police how unfairly they treat African Americans. People began to get sick and tired of the same story being repeated so they took a stand. After the death of George Floyd, this stand was now the largest civil rights movement. People were using their first amendment right to protest the unjustified deaths and abuse from these entitled police men and women. When the black community came together to show black lives matter for days on end, Trump decided their first amendment right no longer mattered. He sent cops from around the country to stop the citizens, he sent out military to stand by and take action when needed. This is not what we needed, we needed a leader who was going to unify and tell us there WILL be a change. It is truly sad how many Americans support him as a whole. If you support someone then you support what they believe. Again, people are entitled to their own opinion but you can't hind the fact in those opinions. 


  1. Hi! This blog was really interesting to read and I totally agree with you when you say Trump is just awful. He's done so much, and it's crazy how people still support him... I really don't get how one can support him, but then again it's their life. You did a good job with this blog and I really enjoyed it.

  2. Hi!, I really enjoyed your perspective on our world today and why you believe it is the way it is. I am very impressed by your knowledge on politics, i.e. myself I don't really understand politics as a whole so I don't really go into voting or anything because I'm not very educated but after reading your blog it really did give me a new perspective on politics and America as a whole.

  3. Hi, I strongly agree we indeed needed a leader. At least he lost the elections this year. It makes me happy so see I wasn't the only one that felt this way, Elections are now over hopefully our new president does a better job unlike the previous one who hid whew we needed him.


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