Entry #9. The Truth of The Food Industry

 Everybody here and there goes out to grab fast food when in a rush or even when they just want it. There is no harm in getting fast food but only if it is once in awhile. What if somebody can't afford anything other than fast for? Are their options healthy meals with fruits and vegetables or greasy, unnatural means? The food that is sold in McDonalds or Wendy's is not natural grown food, but food made with chemicals and medication given to the animals. People like you and me don't really think about this before we drive into the drive through because we would never think our food being bought could contain this. Behind the food are the industry's and companies of people who don't really care what is in your food. The photo below captures exactly how the food industry cares about their costumers. 

No matter the company, the people running that company will do anything to keep their numbers going up. The food industry knows what the American people love and that is convenience. They know if there is a meal cheap enough to attract a lot of costumers while still tasting well, they will have hit a home run. If it means to produce meat that sells for a dollar on the dollar menu, then maybe we should be wondering what kind of meat sells for that kind of price. 


  1. Hello, I totally agree with your perspective on fast food, I think if you're in a rush and you are starving and it's once in a while it's totally harmless but relying on fast food on a daily basis for your nutritious balance of a meal is going to give you so many negative benefits and health affects in the long run. I love the image that you did use for I guess your overall depiction of the blog.

  2. Very well written and thought-inducing blog! I never thought about what kind of meat and other foods sell for only a dollar. That is too good to be true if it is good unfortunately.


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