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Entry #10. Self-Love

 How do you see yourself? Do you think you are beautiful they way you are or do you wish to change something about yourself? Change can bring is many opportunities along with happiness that you needed but didn't know. The first step of starting a new relationship with anyone is being able to be in  relationship with yourself. If someone is not happy within, they will not be able to be happy for the other person at the same time. I strongly believe that self-love is a very important characteristic to have and develop as you grow. It can be very hard trying to love yourself when you are surrounded by picture perfect people all over social media. People in photos will seem to look perfect with no rolls or pimples or imperfections, especially famous people. Every single person has a unique and different body which can be beautiful in each way. Growing up I had to realize that my body is my only body and I should love and cherish it as long as I can. 

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